physical education
The GCSE PE FULL COURSE is offered to students who have demonstrated a high level of proficiency and application in PE throughout Key Stage 3 (no short course is available).
Why study Physical Education?
Physical Education is ideal for those people interested in sports and games. It will enable them to gain an examination qualification in an activity which is (40%) practical and that they enjoy. The majority of the final mark (60%) is based on the theory of PE and sport. The theory component enables students to study the body and the reasons that we move as we do. Students will also learn how we can improve our health and fitness in order to improve our sporting performance, and why we participate in certain activities.
What is involved?
GCSE Physical Education students have to be talented, dedicated to hard work and improving their skills, interested in a variety of sports and knowledgeable about the theoretical aspects of physical activity.
• Students must be able to perform at a high level in at least three different sports (one individual activity, one team sport and one other: either individual activity or team game (30% of qualification).
• Students must be able to apply the theory aspects of the course to their practical performances.
• Students will complete a Personal Exercise Plan coursework which combines theoretical and practical knowledge and application (10% of qualification).
Ms Stacey Ward
Head of Physical Education
Stacey graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University with a BSc (hons) in Sport & Dance before completing a PGCE in Secondary Physical Education at Staffordshire University. She has taught in the UK, Saudi Arabia and China across all phases of the school (EYFS – Y13) and has held various positions of responsibility such as Head of Girls Games, Head of Year, Head of House and Head of Department.
Where Are Our Students Now?
Amber Waite
University of Oxford - Neuroscience
Kazal Oshodi
4 A*
University of Cambridge - Engineering
Wen Qi Saw
4 A*
Durham University – Natural Sciences
Aashna Acharya
3 A*
University College London - Psychology
Syed Musa Askari
3 A*
Kings College - Law
Amir Girgis
4 A* & 1 A
Georgia Institute of Technology – Computing
Antoine De Mascarel
3 A* & 1 A
École Polytechnique – Engineering and Economics
Ebani Dhawan
3 A* & 1 A
University College London – Arts and Sciences
Scott Shepherd
3 A* & 1 A
University of Cambridge – Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Kathryn Dey
2 A* & 1 A
Queens University Belfast – Medicine
Jade Gavigan
2 A* & 1 A
Durham University – Geography
Olivia Green
2 A* & 1 A
York University – Social and Political Science
Aakanksha Mehta
2 A* & 1 A
Northeastern University (USA) – Economics
Rhea Raj
2 A* & 1 A
St Georges University (Grenada) - Medicine
Sita Williams
2 A* & 1 A
University of Bristol - Maths
Explore Our Subjects
GCSE Arabic helps you explore a wide range of topics, from celebrations and festivals, through getting by as a tourist in Arabic-speaking countries to international campaigns and events. -
Art and Design
GCSE Art and Design is about having an adventurous and enquiring approach to art and design and enjoying the process of developing the skills to communicate your ideas. -
Business Studies
Students will study the relationship between business activity and the changing environment within which it takes place, the structure, organisation and control of the main forms of business and business management in a competitive environment. -
IGCSE Drama is the perfect subject for you if you have a very good command of English and want to deepen your understanding of drama performance with theory. -
Economics GCSE is an essential grounding for further study of Economics at A level and degree level. -
French is a very useful language for work and pleasure in later life. The ability to speak and understand a foreign language is an important part of a person’s overall education. -
An understanding of the processes which affect physical and human environments. -
Very few subjects offer such sustained practice of the Higher Order Thinking Skills, prized by acclaimed universities and a host of top professions, than History. -
Physical Education
Physical Education is ideal for those people interested in sports and games. -
Product Design
This course encourages extensive use of designing, testing, planning, materials, prototyping, CADCAM, analysis, evaluation and graphic communication to present a design solution for a given situation or problem. -
The ability to speak and understand a foreign language is an important part of a person’s overall education, for travelling abroad or communicating with other nationalities in any aspect of work.