Preparation for School
A school bag is required that will fit into the lockers provided. The bag should be strong enough to adequately protect books. On days when students have PE, dance or games, a sports bag may be brought to College. Students do not carry their bags to their lessons, but carry only their books and equipment required for two lessons at a time, thus avoiding having to carry heavy books and bulky bags.
Every student is expected to provide the following basic items of equipment:
Pencil case | Black or blue ballpoint pens | Pencils |
Pencil eraser | Highlighter pens | Coloured pencils |
Mathematics set | Glue/sellotape | Pair of compass |
Pencil sharpener | Ruler 12" /30cm | Calculator* |
Sports cap | Water bottle | Standard headphone/earphones (3.5mm jack) |
*The recommended calculator is Casio fx-991EX Classwiz that is available at most electronic retailers in the UAE.
- Correction fluid and fountain pens are not allowed in College and must not be used in any work.
- Textbooks and specialised equipment will be issued to students on loan. Students will be expected to keep these in excellent condition and will be required to pay for any loss or damage to College property. Students should not decorate, graffiti or deface any book. Students will also be issued with exercise books for individual subjects. Exercise books should be covered with clear sticky back plastic or other suitable protective covering and clearly labelled with their name and form class.
- If a student forgets equipment, for example homework/coursework/PE kits, these items can be left at Reception for students to collect. Please ensure that you check at Reception for any forgotten items and label all items prior to handing to Reception.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Students and parents participating in Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct, as well as all policies such as the Jumeirah College Digital Devices Acceptable Uses Agreement (DDAUA). Please note when purchasing a device, the following devices are preferred:
Windows 10 laptop or Apple MacBook with Mac OS 10.15 (Catalina) and above.
Our system will also support the below devices and these may be used if students are familiar with them, however we do discourage an iPad as students find compatibility issues:
IPAD iOS 14 and above and Chrome book with the latest updates.
Every student is provided with a lockable space in the College. Students From Year 7-11 are expected to bring their own lock, please buy a mini combination lock for your son/daughter’s form locker. This will be essential to store any books, laptops, PE kit and personal belongings. Please do not purchase a key lock as students tend to lose the keys which results in having to cut the lock off in order to gain access. The width of the lock must be no less than 6mm. Students are responsible for the general upkeep of their lockers, any damage to these lockers will incur a cost.
Food and Drink
Please ensure that your child brings a packed lunch, and water for the school day. Water dispensers will not be available, therefore it is vital that your child brings enough water to keep them hydrated throughout the day.
Food and drink can only be consumed in break and lunch in allocated areas of the school. In keeping with local culture and students with allergies, no pork or nuts/products containing nuts should not be brought into College, as well as any soda, cake/cupcakes, donuts(sugary food) as the school promotes healthy eating.

School Uniform
The uniform is compulsory throughout the College and can be purchased online through Threads:
- Threads Purchasing Guidelines
- Uniform Guide
The school uniform policy requires that shoes should be black (no open toes, heels, boots, canvas, trainers or hybrid versions). The shoes should constitute a more traditional style shoe that students are comfortable in and will suit the daily activities in school. Should you have any further queries, please contact your son/daughter’s form tutor or Head of Year.
Please click here to find out more information on uniforms.

PE Kit
The PE kit is compulsory for all students in Years 7 - 11. All PE uniform is available from Surridge website or Kukri websites.
- Boys Kit
- Girls Kit
Please contact the email/helpline if there are any issues:
- Kukri: [email protected]
- Surridge: [email protected]
*Students can wear either Kukri or Surridge JC branded kit.