
Admissions Process

How to begin your child's journey...

Admissions Overview

Thank you for considering Jumeirah College for your child’s secondary school education.

Jumeirah College is a GEMS Education School, teaching Year 7 to Year 13 students in the National Curriculum for England. We have earned the reputation for providing a first class education to students from over 63 different nationalities. Jumeirah College is registered wih the Department for Education in London as a British Overseas School and as an external center for U.K. examination boards.






If you would like assistance applying to other GEMS schools in the area, please visit the GEMS Parent Experience Centre located at the GEMS School Support Centre. Alternatively, you can contact the GEMS Parent Experience Centre on 600 56 7771. 

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your application. Please contact us should you have any further questions.

Mrs Sally Rycroft


[email protected]


Jumeirah College Admissions Process

Admission is now closed for years 7-10. Year 12 is open for enrolment on a waitlist basis only. 

Admission to the College for students in Years 7 to 12 (2024-2025) is as per our Admissions Process below:

Year 7 Admissions Criteria:

Jumeirah College is rated by the Knowledge & Human Development Authority (KHDA) as an Outstanding school.  In addition, the school is highly regarded by its students, parents and staff.  Accordingly, there is significant demand for places in Year 7.  The aim of the admissions policy is to ensure that the school selects students fairly and objectively, and they are the most able to thrive within Jumeirah College’s particular approach to student achievement.

1. Jumeirah College is an inclusive school, and we actively welcome applications from students with different strengths and areas for development. All students will be supported fully if successful. Where a child has a particular learning need that would affect their ability to access the full curriculum, the capacity of both the College and Learning Support Department to support the student will be considered as a factor as to whether a place at the College can be offered. This will often follow consultation with the home primary school.
2. All applicants will sit a Cognitive Ability Test (CAT) at the College (or at their home school in the case of overseas students) on a published agreed date. Projected attainment and school reports will be collected from current schools.
3. Applications can be supported so as to demonstrate excellence in pursuits beyond the curriculum such as Sport, Drama, Music and the Arts, as well as potential in global citizenship, leadership and innovation. Such supporting evidence will be taken into consideration as part of the process.
4. Any student who does not gain entry to Jumeirah College will be actively supported by GEMS Education to gain entry into one of their many excellent schools.
5. Admissions to Year 7 are conducted in two phases – the first for students from Jumeirah Primary School and siblings of current Jumeirah College students and the second for all remaining applications.


The close of application dates are as follows:

Phase 1:

Year 6 JPS students and siblings of current Jumeirah College students- to avail priority placement, applications will close at 8am on 19th of October. 

Siblings – Assessment will be held on Thursday 26th October 2023.

Week of 6th of November, offers to be sent out (Parents have 10 days to secure a place).

Phase 2

Non JPS Students and children of Jumeirah College and JPS staff - applications will close on at 8am on Wednesday 1st November 2023.
The assessment day will be held on Saturday 11th of November 2023 (details to be advised).

Students successful in achieving these criteria will then be offered places in the following order of priority:

• Emirati National students
• Year 6 student at Jumeirah Primary School at time of application
• A sibling of a student already attending the College
• Son/daughter of a member of staff at Jumeirah College/Jumeirah Primary School
• Year 6 students from other schools

Should the number of applications from the first two criteria exceed the number of places available, students will then be ranked and offered a place in order of test result and KS2 projected levels. All other applicants will be ranked subsequently, placed on the waitlist and places will then be offered to those candidates when numbers allow.

 Monday 27th of November 2023, Phase 2 offers to be sent out (Parents have 10 days to secure a place).

Year 8 and 9 - admissions will assess and evaluate applications made throughout the year. Admissions will be based upon availability in the year group, specific learning requirements and the outcome of reports and test results. 

Places are limited and date of application is not a consideration in offer. Students that we cannot offer immediately will be placed on the waitlist. 

Jumeirah College Assessment and Academic Reference

 All students applying to the College for Years 7 to 12 must complete an assessment. The assessment is an online Cognitive Ability Assessment (CAT). It contains Verbal, Non-verbal, Quantitative and Spatial reasoning questions and students will take between 1.5 and 2 hours to complete the assessment.

The assessment is broken up into a series of small tests. The small tests are time sensitive and all students have the same length of time to answer the questions. Practice questions are provided at the beginning of each small test and these are not timed or marked. All questions are multiple-choice. We ensure all students are informed of the instructions and are comfortable before starting the assessment.  To ensure fairness to all our applicants, no further information can be provided about the assessment. 

A Confidential Academic Reference is requested for all applicants from outside the Dubai area. On occasion, a Confidential Academic Reference can be requested for a Dubai based applicant. Jumeirah College will request the reference directly from the applicant’s current school who will then return the reference to the Jumeirah College Registration Office.

Sixth Form Entry Requirement

The current minimum grades a student needs to achieve as an entry requirement to Year 12 for 2024-2025 academic year are: 6 x grade 9-5 (A*-C) at GCSE, two of which must be English and Mathematics.

Applicants must also meet the subject criteria for at least 3 A Levels (or BTEC) that they want to study, for further information please refer to the sixth form prospectus. 

Students can still take 4 A Levels, but they will need to achieve 8 or more 7s/As or higher at GCSE. 

Further details can be found on the subject specific pages in the sixth-form prospectus.

Required Documents: All Year Groups

Documents required when joining the College:

In order to make an application to Jumeirah College please complete the online application form. Applications will only be accepted if the following documentation is uploaded at the time of application.

1 copy of the applicant’s passport, including their UAE visa if available
1 copy of both sides of the applicant’s Emirates ID card if available
1 copy of the father’s (or sponsor’s) passport, including their UAE visa if available
1 copy of both sides of the father’s (or sponsor’s) Emirates ID card if available
1 complete copy of the applicant’s latest end of year report as well as the subsequent mid-year report (if applicable)

Registration does not guarantee your child a place.


Leaving/Transfer Certificate:

Every student is required by UAE Ministry of Education Law to have a leaving/transfer certificate from their last school. This is strictly enforced and failure of a student to have a properly completed certificate, or a legally binding undertaking to action all the necessary documentation, will result in your child's place being withdrawn. Please discuss your child's leaving/transfer certificate requirements with the Registrar, as your country of origin and last school is taken into consideration.

If transferring from another school within Dubai: 

Please inform your current school of your intentions. You will be required to pay a KHDA fee of AED120 +VAT to the school you are leaving and they will provide you with an attested leaving certificate. Once in receipt of this certificate please submit it to the Jumeirah College admission team.

If transferring school from outside Dubai: 

The original Transfer Certificate must be obtained by yourself from your child's current school and given to Jumeirah College on arrival in Dubai. Please be aware of the attestation rules, if applicable as outlined below.

The Certificate must be on official school letterhead and must contain the following information:

  • Name of student
  • Date of birth
  • Class to which he/she was admitted to the school
  • Present class
  • Year group partially completed (if moving mid-way through the academic year)
  • Year group completed (if moving at the end of the academic year)
  • Year group promoted to (for the next academic year)
  • Date the child left the school (the student's last day at the school)
  • School stamp and signature

Students coming from countries other than United States, Australia, Canada, Western Europe should have the original Transfer Certificate (TC) attested by:

  • Ministry of Education (from country of TC origin)
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs (from the country of TC origin)
  • UAE Embassy (from the country of TC origin) for students transferring from schools within the UAE, a Ministry approved Transfer Certificate is issued

NB: It is of vital importance that the British Curriculum corresponding year group is noted on the Transfer Certificate if coming from a different system as the Ministry of Education may refuse the child entry if the year group does not correspond with that of the new school.

If you have any questions regarding the admissions procedure, please feel free to contact the Registrar, Mrs Sally Rycroft at 04 395 5524 or [email protected]


Admission of Students of Determination


Jumeirah College works in line with the Dubai Inclusive Education Policy Framework (2017) and incorporates good working practice in line with legislation such as the:

  • UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Optional Protocol, Federal Law No. (29) of 2006 concerning the Rights of People of Determination
  • Law No. (2) of 2014 concerning the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Emirate of Dubai
  • Executive Council Resolution No. (2) of 2017 Regulating Private Schools in the Emirate of Dubai
  • General Rules for the Provision of Special Education Programs and Services (Public & Private Schools)
  • as well as the SEND Code of Practice (UK, 2015).

Admission of Students of Determination

Jumeirah College is highly committed to being an inclusive school which admits students with a variety of needs including those who are gifted and talented, special educational needs, or have physical, emotional, social, cultural or language challenges.  For further information about the Admissions process please refer to the Admissions Policy.  Please visit our Inclusion Page for our Inclusion Statement. For a copy of the Inclusion Policy please contact the Head of Inclusion on [email protected]

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