Health and Medical
Students at Jumeirah College will be served by two full time College Nurses and one part time Doctor who are located in the medical centre next to the Sports Hall.
The following notes are a brief summary on college health matters which you may find helpful:
1. Accidents and emergencies:
Should your child require emergency treatment, every effort will be made to contact you. To assist with this, please keep the nurses and reception informed of any change in your contact details. In the case of a serious emergency, an ambulance will be called on 999 and your child will be taken to a government hospital as per their policy (usually Rashid or Al Wasl Hospital).
2. Medical forms:
When your child starts at Jumeirah College, you will be required to complete several medical forms. Please return them promptly with all medical information provided. It is of utmost importance that the College is made aware of any condition your child has and any medication they are receiving. This will affect how they are treated in the case of an emergency.
3. Consent for Paracetamol and medicine at college:
If your child is in pain or has a fever at College, we can give Paracetamol to relieve their symptoms. You will be required to give signed consent on the health form for the College nurse to administer it.
Students are not permitted to carry medicine with them under any circumstances. If your child needs medication at College, please hand it to the nurse where it will be stored safely in the clinic. You will be required to sign a consent form for the medicine to be administered by the nurse and your child will be required to come to the clinic at the appropriate time to take it. You may also provide the nurse with medicine your child may need at College for an existing condition such as an inhaler for asthma, insulin for diabetes or an Epipen for allergies. (Epipens are hard to come by in Dubai! It will be helpful to you to obtain a stock from your home country.) Medicine will not be returned to a student under any circumstances; it must be collected by an adult, either the parent / guardian or the teacher.
4. Illness:
To concentrate and function effectively at college, good health is one of the most important aspects. It is therefore important that if your child is unwell, they should rest at home and recuperate fully before returning. This is also to reduce cross infection of other students and staff. The medical team will not hesitate to send a student home if they are unwell or considered to be infectious.
5. College Medicals:
The Department of Health requires students to have a medical examination in Years 9 and 12. All new students will have a medical examination. This is carried out by the College Doctor and is a basic, non invasive procedure. You will be notified prior to the medical examination and you will receive a report and advice once it has occurred. You have the choice to have your child excluded if you wish.
6. Immunizations:
Every effort should be made to have your child’s vaccinations up to date prior to them starting at Jumeirah College. The Department of Health requires that you submit a copy of your child’s vaccination record to the College Nurse. This will be checked against the U.A.E. immunization schedule and you will be advised of outstanding vaccines.
7. Sun care:
Skin cancer is a serious concern, especially in Dubai where the sun shines almost everyday. Also, heat exhaustion is a potential problem and steps must be taken to prevent it.
We encourage you to apply a factor 30+ sunscreen lotion to your child’s skin before college, especially on P.E. days and for college outings. Older students can carry a tub of sunscreen in their school bags to apply as needed.
Students are encouraged to drink water regularly at college and drinking water is available at numerous points around the college. During the warmer months, students are encouraged to remain in shaded areas and not to run around a lot to prevent their bodies from overheating and dehydrating.
8. Snack boxes:
To support your child’s concentration at college, please encourage them to have nutritious food in their snack boxes. Students who eat breakfast and have a nutritious diet at college will manage to perform better.
Examples of healthy and filling snacks are:
A sandwich with a nutritious filling such as cheese, chicken, tuna, salad, etc.
Savoury rice salad
Pita bread or bread sticks with a cheese dip, hummus, etc.
Salad snack such as cucumber sticks, carrots, celery
Bran muffins, banana bread, carrot cake, savoury scones, etc.
Any fruit
Healthy drinks: 2 drinks should be packed of which one is water.
Milk (preferably not flavoured),
Fruit juice (preferably not sweetened),
Fruit juice diluted in water
*Sweets, cakes and sweet biscuits are strongly discouraged.
*Fizzy drinks and chewing gum are not allowed.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the fact that there are students with nut allergies, nuts and food containing nut protein are strictly forbidden! A peanut allergy can result in a potentially fatal anaphylactic reaction. The parents of these students trust you to ensure your child does not bring nuts to college.
Thank you for taking the time to read the above.