Payment Policies

Information about payments, refunds, re-enrolments and withdrawals

Payment Policies

The tuition fees are due prior to the start of the academic year and payable in advance of attendance, at the start of each term. Tuition fees will be invoiced from the time of admission to ensure that payments can be processed before the start of the term. If your circumstances change, it is essential that you contact us in advance of the deadline so that we can guide you on available options. Please note, all tuition fees are in accordance with the fee structure established by GEMS Education under the guidance of KHDA established School Fee Framework.

All tuition fees are payable in advance of attendance.

Tuition fees are paid in accordance with the fee structure established by GEMS under the guidance of KHDA’s established School Fee Framework.

Payment of Fees

1. The Application Fee is payable at the time of the online registration, and is charged to process the application of new students. Once the child receives a formal offer from the school, the registration deposit is charged to enrol the child and secure the seat.

2. If new students enrol at a school during the course of the academic year, the school can charge tuition fees starting from the beginning of the month of enrolment.

3. Schools can collect annual tuition fees in three instalments, due at the beginning of each term. The first term’s payment will be 40%, the second 30% and the third term 30% of annual tuition fees.

All forms of payment methods are accepted and can be made by in person at the accounts' office. In addition, payments of fees and tuition can also be paid by bank transfer directly to the College's bank account.

Non-payment of Fees

Failure to pay fees may result in a loss of the student’s place at the College, withholding of their reports, references, and/or examination results, as well as, temporary or permanent expulsion or exclusion from the College.


In order to secure the seat for the next academic year, parents will be asked to pay a re-registration deposit of 5% of the full fees for the next academic year, which is non-refundable, but adjustable against the first term fees. Please note, students who are unable to be registered with the ministry due to missing required documentation, or students with an outstanding fee balance, will not be able to be re-enrol for the next academic year.


1. In the cases of both existing and new students, the registration deposit and re-registration deposit will not be refunded unless there are extenuating circumstances. These circumstances include, but are not limited to relocation to another Country/Emirate or any other unforeseen circumstances.

2. Application fee is refundable if the school doesn't offer the student a place, unless the child's registration is carried forward to the following year. It is non-refundable if the school offers the student a place but the student chooses not to take it and it is non deductible from the total tuition fees to be paid if the student is offered and accepts a place.

3. In the case of refund, the school fees will be calculated as follows:

- Tuition fees paid prior to the beginning of the academic year are refundable and only the application / re-registration fees will be deducted.

- If the student was enrolled in the school for two weeks or less, a month’s fees will be deducted.

- If the student was enrolled in the school for a period ranging between two weeks and one month, two months’ fees will be deducted.

- If the student was enrolled in the school for more than a month, the full terms fees will be deducted.

4. The refund will be calculated from the start of the term and the date of the official request by the parent stating the intent of withdrawal and not from the date when the student was absent. Being on the school register counts as days in school.

5. If paid with credit card or online, monies will be refunded back to the credit card. Cash payments will be refunded via cheque.

Student Withdrawals

All students withdrawing from the College must submit notification of their withdrawal in writing to the Registrar office. A 30-day notification period is required to ensure all necessary documents are ready.

Disclaimer: “Please note that school fees for the upcoming academic year are subject to change in accordance with Article 51 the Bylaw of Federal Law No. (28) of 1999 Concerning Private Education and applicable regulations.”

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