Mr Sam Pedder
Vice Principal
As a PE teacher, Head of Year, Assistant
Principal and now Vice Principal, Sam's focus within education is developing
the wellbeing of students so they can lead active, healthy lifestyles whilst
developing holistically throughout their time with us at Jumeirah College. His
passion in education lies within pastoral care, safeguarding and the monitoring
of progress so that all students can fulfil their potential.
Sam believes that all students should be offered exciting opportunities every
day to improve as a learner, both inside and outside of the classroom. He
believes students should embrace all elements of school life and emphasises how
this plays a major part in developing student’s overall happiness by
participating in a variety of activities outside of the classroom, whether this
be within sports, the arts, academic enrichment, leadership, volunteering,
charity work or participating in the IA programme.
Sam hopes that all students leave us to become
lifelong learners who demonstrate the 6 JC core values (Kindness, Resilience,
Integrity, Positivity, Respect and Gratitude) whilst gaining a plethora of
experiences that help them in their future careers and lives.